Wednesday November 3rd my 84th birthday
60° in my bedroom until I went down and reset boiler water temperature from summer temp. Up at 7- bath- checked email- frag greeting card from Margaret Ann singing Happy Birthday. Dave Decker called. He’s flying Navy to LV this afternoon and will visit Kathi and Bob. Kathi called. Had barium enema yesterday for tests. I called Wenigs about moving air conditioner unit. Sent two men out about 5 to check it out. Will be here at 7:45 tomorrow. Don Keil here and we finished cleaning shed got old doors and windows out. Don cut evergreens for Hemmerly’s Open House also helped me move stuff for Wenigs but I have to take stuff off shelves. Been there since we moved in. Sliding door arrived about noon and Scott and crew installed it by 2:30. Removed plywood between new room and living room and put up plastic. Have the wallboard on. I cleaned the school desk of 75 years of dirt and moved back to front porch. Also cleaned hutch in kitchen. All dishes and drawers. Washed down kitchen cupboards. David called about 6 and made plans for weekend. Mary out- brought box of candy and videotape for my birthday. We had hot cocoa in cup from Kathi’s gift basket and one of the big cookies. Virgil Hinamon delivered lovely fall arrangement from Kass & shop personnel. Two bluebirds perched on the wire across road. A promise of happiness in my next year?