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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-30

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
DJ 9712
Clustered pots of plants on lower deck by gazebo and covered against forecasted frost – also covered Heavenly Blue Morning Glories and nasturtiums by side porch.
Re-wrote article on erecting a marker in Jackson Center Cemetery to submit it to Ohio Genealogy Society writing contest.
Still sorting boxes of papers. Also re-wrote a Day Before Yesterday article on Marion County Historical Society obtaining the Harding public Publishing Company safe in early 1970s. Still hope to find a way to move it to Heritage Hall*. Sent it to Gale for okay to submit to Marion Star. Received Haband order- black shoes, three blouses and gray Jacquard jacket.
Put birthday card and $10 for Tyler but won’t go out until not in time for his October 3rd birthday on Saturday.
Watching another program Ken Burns National Parks
Reminded me ofour first visit there in 1949 – Walt and Trella – Ray, Florence & Sandra Romine – after looking out over its vast area Florence I said ‘I thought it would be bigger’ (does that show her depth?)

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-29

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
DJ 9742
54° high 52°low 70% humidity
Lazy day
Call from Dave Clayborn inviting me to tasting food and wine at OSUM next Monday- declined.
Email from Katie- her publisher had my name on list to receive pre-publication book but didn’t send it. She may come to Marion for December 12th autograph party. Told her Jim Robinalt would be here.
Reading Yes Ma’am WAAC Elizabeth Pollock- Mary’s book.
Finished ‘Cabbages and Kings’- O Henry last night
Wore my bathrobe all day.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-28

Monday, September 28, 2009
DJ 9789 62 ° windy
Got into the box with Mary Hemmerly’s World War II WAC letters. Interesting reading. Copied Tiffany award certificate and put in my awards file.
Gale here for supper- she is overwhelmed by workload at Heritage hall.
After floor in new Industrial Center was painted by Whirlpool employees she found termites so holes were drilled to insert poison to kill. $400+ bill.
OSUM Prof has assigned students to research Underground Railroad in Marion County. I referred her to County Histories & Moshers unpublished work for Marion County and questioned saying the Charles Baker house on Vine Street was a station.
Part Two of National Parks
Focus of John Muir and Teddy Roosevelt fight to save America’s treasures.
I’ll be reading again my Muir books. First time in a long time I feel my brain expanding.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-26

Saturday, September 26, 2009
To Marion Cemetery at 10:15 for burial service for Stuart Browneon the McNeil/Browne site. Military salute for Korean War service. Only a few relatives there all standing. I had to sit!
To Meijer for gas and pay invoice $138 for September. Purchased Breathe Right Strips that have helped. Kathi gave me two. Shopped at Aldi’s for food. to Heritage Hall by 1:00. John Kalb typing on manual typewriter! I got down the notebook of Lucius Carhart’s Civil War letters- 65 of them sorted out duplicates.
Gale stopped in asking my help in proving to Meijer that we are an educational organization. She and Jan Augenstein started the list and showed her the drawer of Dick West collection on Harding. She was amazed. She has no idea of what we have in the Resource Center. Home and unloaded groceries- a job for me.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-25

Friday, September 25, 2009
Last night I put the breathing strip over my nose that Kathi left and wore it all day. Is that the reason I felt much happier? Was sorting papers when David arrived about 2:30. We drove to Thew Cemetery to see the field of big blue stem grass. Found a young Bur Oak Tree and picked up acorns. Back home on golf cart planted about 10 of them in Prairie across road. Also planted the Liatrus scariosa over there. New England Asters blooming and many pink form. Took a ride to trailer park to see new large sewer installation. Also a trip into our woods. David dug up Forget-Me-Not near uprooted sycamore. Planted on pond bank by the pond lily plant. He mowed & I potted up 10 Bur Oak acorns. emptied pots, watered patio plants. David sprayed Roundup on goats beard on bank by drive.
He left about 5:45 for Galion to play with Vaughn Wiester’s jazz band.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-24

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Called Dave Matyac and Marilyn Schniblle. Called Kensil & Gale about meeting at Trella Romine Prairie after Karen at Hartman’s called to say sign ready. Dave and Marilyn pick me up and we picked Gale up at Heritage Hall and we met Kensil and Opal at Trella Romine Prairie. Kensil wants to put sign on gate with clamps instead of in the ground. Green Camp Trustees had mowed rail bed but bloom mostly gone so we didn’t drive into it.
To Perkins for supper except Clutters and then to Heritage Hall for ‘recycling history’ program. Angela Carbetta is manager for Marion Waste Management District. Lots of literature distributed to about 15 attendees! Maybe program meetings are passé

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-23

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Lazy day sorted papers on Bay windowsill and found ones I wanted to share with Kathu. To Caledonia to mail a letter to David’s invoices to me from Terradise Computer Cystems for Terradise Nature Preserve brochures and computer service. Birthday card to Susannah. Checked inventory of Day Before Yesterday- find I have only five copies left! reprint? new book?
Called Hartman to see if Trella Romine Prairie sign is ready today- no. Called Dave Matyac and Marilyn Schnibble to tell them erecting it would be tomorrow. Email from Gale- two new Prairie species along State Route 95 railroad by Whirlpool- ground peanut and Prenanthes [racemosa (Glaucous White Lettuce)]. No appetite- no pep.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-22

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Slept until 10 – email from Kathi – delays in loading & unloading she didn’t get home til 10:30 her time. Card from John Kalb (get well!) so I sent him the info on Houghton Sulky nomination.
Wrote preliminary text for Scioto Ordinance Plant former site & mailed to Charlie McCarthy for his input.
Had a nap – and supper of leftovers. Cedar Waxwings & red cotoneaster berries. Phoebe on red bud by office window.
(10/11 comment):
While reading in bed late heard several popping sounds. Know now it was the transformer across the road. -The night the Murphy houses burned. Stanley home rented until Saxtons bought the 40 acres and built Wood Valley ‘Estates’ – Trailer Park-

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-09-21

Monday, September 21, 2009
Emailed James Steven at Marion Star about Charlie McCarthy & Scioto Ordinance Plant. Email from Jan Kennedy that Gale took the group to the Trella Romine prairie also on Sunday. Kathi & I picked up Jim Carpenter at 23:30 & he drove to Port Columbus. Helped Kathi check-in & find a wheel chair.
To Ohio Historical Center by 4:10 & met with Jim Strider and Barbara Powers – the one in charge of Preservation projects. At this point all needed was the Ohio application which I had – after her office decides that Houghton Sulky is ‘worthy’ (or not) they will notify me & provide material to apply for National Register status.
Port Columbus upgrading underway. New overpasses, more parking. Then along Morris [sic – Morse] Road east to Hartman Collectible Cards. Jim purchased lots. Then onto outerbelt to Rt. 23 N. Ate at Frisch’s Big Boy. Good food & service – $12 for both of us including pumpkin pie.
Took Jim home & I was home by 7:00.