Saturday February 23rd
4 wedding appointments. Working on five funerals- three sprays. Only Dave and Gary in. Laura did odds and ends. Corsages for Heart Dance. Gayle and I greened, bowed & wrote descriptions on cards. Took 23 pieces to Denzers and have two more loads for tomorrow delivery.
Really pooed.
Wrote descriptions of all bokay and sent to Suttons for Jim Lightner to use tomorrow.
United States hockey team beat the Soviet team! Eric Heiden won five gold medals in figure skating.
David called saying business is bad and he needs $1,000. Is going to have the stamp collection (Ray’s that I gave him) appraised and sell it. Didn’t appreciate the instructions I sent for rolling film- notes from Don Novatny’s talk at Camera Club Monday.
Wonder if he would need $1,000 if he hadn’t spent $500 for his Canon AE-1?