Thursday January 11th 1979 -16 this a.m. up to 10 and sunny.
Lazed morning away until I called bank and found I was $650 overdrawn. Hunted up talk check, Christmas money and dividend check, but still had to borrow $550 from Howard. Took it to Caledonia to deposit and ordered sync cord from Vivitar. Took a walk in the snowy woods. Beautiful sunshine and no wind.
Started on MCHS minutes at 3:30 and worked until 10 excerpting pertinent facts for use at 10th anniversary meeting and for Marj Williams Brandt to use for history of society. Brought back memories, but exhausting.
Watched 1 hour film on China. Not sure I want to go there. Seems so drab- all work.
I called Kathi to tell her I had sent box with banjo-uke and doll. To bed at 11:15.