Tuesday January 9th 1979
Dorothy Rutherford in at noon to train for register and front room. Seemed to me she was not learning very fast. Cheryl is very patient with her.
Carroll thought I should photograph Congressman Brown’s visit to the Bowen house so I came home for my camera. Met them there at 1:30. Ron Cross also there- he got the CETA workers for us.
Took Kathi’s Christmas package to UPS, after going to Wiant’s to buy tape. Sent my banjo uke for Davy. I bought it for $5.50 in 1928, money I earned picking strawberries at $0.02 a quart. Hope he appreciates it. Cost $4.95 to send two packages including the doll in the trunk for Kristi’s birthday.
Larry Mathiot called here about 9:30 to get my reaction as MCHS president on the library decision. They will sell it to Trinity for $125,000. Edited until 2 a.m.