Thursday September 25th
Waited until noon for Charles Akers to come see about building shed. Called his wife to see and she said to go to town right then is he wouldn’t come on his noon hour. So I left and he came 10 minutes later.
Had to go to Home Federal to transfer my $10 [sic] money market certificate certificate which was due. Made over $800 on it in six months but decided it was smarter to pay off Normandy mortgage which was $9,900. Interest on money market is down to 10% instead of 15% as it was last March. So now I own three properties free and clear valued conservatively at $75,000 Terradise $60,000 Bordeaux, $65,000 Normandy.
Wrote up Mother’s love life from notes made while talking to her last night. When I showed it to Kass, Cheryl and Mary on Friday they couldn’t put it down till the end! Maybe I am a writer!
Zelma Howard brought me a plate of sugar cookies because I sent her flowers because she loaned me money for Quest Club dinner