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Trella Hemmerly – 1999-09-19

Sunday September 19th
Cleaned up the house a little and swept walks. Called Country Inn about 1 and Bob answered but Lila had gone on to Bronson Michigan to visit her sister.
To see Margaret Ann and took bean salad. She is so thin and nervous.
So I picked Bob up and took him to Harding Home where C-SPAN crew were setting up for tomorrow’s broadcast. Met Mark Trask producer (looks like a young kid!) again.
Crew all very friendly. Took Bob for a ride along Vernon Heights Boulevard and drove in at Islay / Miller’s to see garden. He closes his book on Harding with a reference to the area. Then out to Terradise to see it in bloom- his other visits were in Winter. Showed him Civil War letters. He had edited a group like it so can appreciate my work. Also plans for remodeling. Had dinner at Appleby’s. Stopped to see Mary in Marion before coming out here. Steak for each of us. Took him back to Country Inn about 9:00.