Sunday January 17th
Used floppy with Ray’s poems on old computer to add verses to databases and then put it into Micron before I turned it on but virus was on old computer and I lost system again – will have to go back to Pete Laskaris.
Was shoveling ice off driveway when Bob and Caroline Brooks Trimner arrived to see some of Ray’s poems – Had only met Bob once when he was here for a carol sing in early 70s – He’s an artist but very sensitive to interpretation of Ray’s verses. Wanted to know all about him and I ended up spilling my life story that I don’t think I ever discussed with anyone before – People either lived through it or wondered about me!
Enjoyed the three hours with them. Copied several poems for him and gave him a DBY* to read. I wonder if I should write another one. -Bob wants to buy the first published book of Ray’s poems.
e-mail from Brent – they spent all Saturday at OHS and got gobs of stuff – sent me article about attack on Mrs. Christian from Mansfield papers that caused about 20 negro families to leave Marion in 1919.
Called David but he’s in Indiana playing on a riverboat casino – Karen concerned for Harvey – his doctor said he had diabetes but he doesn’t and it’s better since he got off diabetes medications.
Between time chipped away at the ice layer of driveway and have blacktop mostly bare. Male cardinal flew into kitchen window and Bob found him dead on the snowbank.
*Day Before Yesterday