January 6th Wednesday
A new day – feeling much better than last night – and finally can walk with my keen pain!-
Snowing most day – birds flocking to feeders – had to fill them twice today also feeding cracked corn –
Wrestled the computer out of my car and up the steps and got it reconnected – Played bird CD that Margaret and gave me and Chessie went wild trying to find the bird – knocked speaker to the floor – probed under monitor with paw – funny!
Started compiling all of Lu Carhart’s letters into one Word Star file.
Wrote to Laddie Warren to send check for $950 for 100 southbound “Day Before Yesterday”- and place order for 100 reprints of the 1907 Marion County History – called Marty and he said he didn’t have index so packaged my copy of 1907 and took it to PO in a snowstorm.
Later Laddie called me and said he had copied the index (I thot [sic] he did) and gave me figures for 150 and 200 books.