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Trella Hemmerly – 1989-02-04

Saturday, February 4, 1989
Bath- bkfst and off to Marion by 9:30. Stopped at Nye’s with The Huber Story booklets to distribute at the Huber Museum opening & stickers to put on the ones they corrected. Nearly had accident on ice at Reed & Church. No way I could stop – thank goodness no cars on Church St.
Stopped at Victoria Taylor’s house. Met Willis & Gwen Thoms and picked up boxes of clothing, pix letters for MCHS.

To bakery & got bread for Howard while I’m gone. 11:30 hair appointment, cut, blow dry $11. To Huber Museum at 12:15. Pictures of ribbon cutting at 1:00 by Star & Newslife.Quite a crowd, but no time to talk to the Huber relatives there. To OSUM for Charlton Myers’ first lecture on Marion County history (61 there). Only got to the Oak [sic – Owl] Creek Trail. Video taped and cassette taped for posterity. At 3:30 back to Huber Museum. 110 signed register. Talked with Brenley family from Holmes County. Otto’s grandmother was a Bickel (my great great grandmother was Julia Bickel). Shopped at Meijer’s, Big Bear & Hemmerly. Home at 6:00. Lima beans and ham for supper and collapsed until recovered to prepare info to present to Sales Ad committee as MCHS is a finalist for an ad campaign offer. Also John Hickson gave me a letter from U.S. Postal Service saying they won’t sell P.O. for $1, which we knew!