Tuesday May 27th
David and family drove Kathi, Davie and Krris up from Cincinnati in time for Dave and Kristi’s dental appointment at 11:15. Then David and Karen went to lunch with Pete and Cass to discuss David commuting to manage Hemmerly’s. Didn’t get any report from either David or Karen on anything that was said. Picked Kathi up downtown and brought her and all of the kids out here after taking lunch to mothers and eating there. Put the curtains back up as Gary didn’t come to varnish as he said he would before Kathi came in to see new bay window in kitchen. David forgot the meat he promised for the picnic so I went to Reese’s and got hamburger and made meatloaf. Jordan’s joined the family. David’s arguments Pro Carter and pro-Russia showed a shallowness that disappoints me. It’s hard to accept the fact that your son can say such stupid things.
Davie went home with Mary and Kenny but slept nine of us here.