Wednesday March 12th
Slept till 8:30- bath- washed hair and breakfast at Wilda’s at 9:30. Jackye over and suggested another try to Castle Hot Springs. Put clothes in Wilda’s washer, loaded up my camera and binoculars and off we went to Morristown. Up route 74 to Castle Hot Springs Road. Stop for pics of Saguaros. Beautiful spot. Birds. Weathered wood. Green grass. Jackye says remember you’re seeing it at its very best. Road narrowed as we got into mountains. Crossed washes running with water. Clouds and blue sky. Picacho Peak square against the sky. At the place we were blocked by too much water in ‘78 with Don there was only a trickle, but the road followed the stream bed for 3/4 mile- very rugged. Roads to ranches branch off and the children living there go to Champe School. 10 children in the 8th grade in one room one teacher. Stopped at “Intersection” and Champie & Castle Hot Springs Roads at Castle Creek and picnicked at the edge of water which rolled by with good velocity. The buildings at Castle Hot Springs being used by Arizona University students and are off limits. The grounds have palm trees, putting greens and blooming African daisies. Rode on to Black Canyon Road is closed. Back to intersection and up to Champie School. When we came back to Castle Creek an Indian in a sawed-off Valiant was stuck in the water. Jackie pushed him out with four-wheel drive. Trip of 75 miles took six hours.