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Trella Hemmerly – 1978-11-04

Saturday November 4th 1978 72 Sonny
Woke to WMRN news with my recording about workshops. Picked up typewriter and books at shop and was at Trinity by 9. Carroll there to help me unload. Ann and Ken Buehlman helped set up room and Al and Barry arrived with photo stuff. Suddenly the rooms were full of people with stories, with ones needing typing and ones with photos. Tom Bain in his element meeting former students. Mary and Geneva getting dinner ready for tomorrow kept us in coffee. Had a snack with them in my Junior Department room*. Finished about 4. Sorted things out at office. Carroll stop by to take me to dinner at Isaly’s for birthday.

[*Trella taught Jr. Dept at Trinity Baptist Church in the 1940’s]