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Trella Hemmerly – 1978-10-04

Wednesday October 4th 1978
Karen talked to her mother for over 30 minutes with the door to living room shut.
David to Market early. Sarah padding about by 8 and Josh fussing to be out of crib by 8:15. Got their cereal while Karen still rested. Pants changed and dressed. Took them outdoors and they played nicely with push toys. Swept the garage and walks and transplanted ivy to area near drive. Fixed hot dogs and soup for lunch and got kids in bed for nap. About 2:15 Karen heard noise in basement. I went down and found water heater leaking. Neighbor turned off gas and water just as David got home. David and I sopped up 8 6 gallon buckets of water with three little rags. Pork chops for supper. Slides of Josh and Jed. Bed early. Read Centennial until 2:30.