Wednesday, January 28, 1976
Planted chlorophyllum for David Bratten that Gertrude Cole gave me. Left Bratten’s about 11. Took 92 instead of 275 & got into Tampa- a mess but finally onto Rt. 4. Off at Lakeland & ate lunch in the Polk Co. Park Howard enjoyed. Through Lake Alford & past his 2 residences. Then checked into Sheraton Jet Port at 2:30 & took off up 441 to Plymouth & the Plymouth Citrus Co-op where Byron [Smith] is Plant Engineer. Same Byron except grey. Toured plant & then met Marcie – a doll. She rode with me 15 mi. north to their mobile home in a orange grove. Dinner in Mt. Dora at Turners. Back to motel about 10:00.