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Trella Hemmerly – 1976-01-27

Tuesday, January 27, 1976
Light rain PM Cloudy temp 67
Bath & washed hair. Vivian & I sat on Patio, but cloudy & cool & hair didn’t dry. Very relaxed day waiting for Berea College people to call & thank David for his 17 years of contributions. About 4 drive North through Largo to Clearwater. Stopped at Kapok Tree Inn & Restaurant. Very Italian – fountains, statuary, etc. Drove to Clearwater Beach & then to the Garden Seat Restaurant on S. area of old Mansions on Gulf. French Onion Soup, Red Snapper & Mocakulia Ice Cream – all ate too much! Kathi called – 552 N. Greenwood has a contract for me to sign at $15,000 & she has interviewed a Cheryl ?? for the bookeeping job. Bed at 10:30. Called Byron Smith.