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Trella Hemmerly – 1976-01-20

Tuesday, January 20, 1976
Sunny Temp 70
Breakfast at Marjorie’s after she left for meeting with Broward Cou. Historical Commission. I opened up the Historical Society & answered phone & looked at files on 1926 hurricane. Marjorie in & out again & I Xeroxed storm pictures. Then went shopping. Bought blue pants suite $20 – walked beach near Galt Mile – visited Carlstedt wholesale florist – Buzz Peters not in – Met Marjorie & Hobby Shop (cameras) & Burtch Willey recognized me from Marion. His grandparents that Ruth Ruhlmand worked for.
To dinner at Pioneer House & he was there also!
Kathi called at 12 midnight. Bordeaux house rented at $250 mo. WMRN wants advertising contract to sponsor Charlton Myers Salt Rock Twp remininsces. $500 – I said ok.
Judy not working. January receipts $22,000.
Dinner at Stranahan Home, 1907 along New River.