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Trella Hemmerly – 1975-12-24

Wednesday, December 24, 1975
Cold 7 degrees – but sunny.
Up at 6:30 & wrote cards for all employees to go in their parfait glasses from Hotel Harding & their checks. Put rocks in each glass – (some stores actually selling “Pet Rocks” for $4.98!) . All orders were up last night so day went well 5 delivery vehicles. Got 40 more poinsettias from Nachurs & also sold the 25 on consignment from Buds. Finished by 5. Gang gave me 5 Corning Ware cook set! To Mary’s for supper. They had picked up Howard. They gave me a great tripod & the Exotica Manual. Mother gave me Atlas that belonged to [her fathter] Emmanuel M. Sheneman.