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Trella Hemmerly – 1975-04-19

Saturday, April 19, 1975
At shope until 1 – Did wedding at First U C of C. To hospital to see Rocky. Met Mary coming in with blooming cactus as I left. She said she could stay nights with Mother so we went to Marion Manor & signed her out. She got into car fine. Took her and Mary to Prospect to do a wedding for tomorrow. Got ice cream. Let Mary out at hospital to get her car – first she’s driven since last Friday. On way to Mother’s I ran out of gas near Susie Anspaugh Hansens. Geor got gas for me. Got to Mother’s same time as Mary. Got her settled – She gets around fine. Back to shop – Then to Marion manor for Mother’s medicine – Grocery store – Col Sanders for chicken back to Mother’s. Worn out. Did payroll – bed at 12:00.