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Trella Hemmerly – 1975-01-29

Wednesday January 29, 1975

Bob sick with bronchitis & flu when we got home.
Up at 7:15 to have breakfast ready for David & Karen at 7:30. They arrive about 7:45 for bacon & eggs. David, Karen & I took off for Park City about 8:30, arriving there about 9:45 – Roads clear – no new snow. Slopes very evident, don’t know why I didn’t see them when Kathi & I were here Saturday. 2 large mining-town type buildings new – are at the base of Treasure Mountain & the 4 passenger gondola lift goes 2 1/2 miles – up out of sight. Karen & I shopped & David skiied. Says this is the best yet – Easy way clear from top. Lunch at Deli – Karen & David would like one in market. About 2:30 Karen & I bought gondola tickets $3 each & I really enjoyed ride to top. David left cap & new goggles on gondola. Ate at Steak House. Home about 8:30.