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Trella Hemmerly – 1975-01-22

Wednesday, January 22, 1975
Grady’s report for Dec shows $32,000 profit.
Into shop about 9. Connie’s mother & my mother with us to the airport. Just dumped me & luggage & they went back. Good flight – United – From Chicago to Salt Lake cloudy, but talked to an interesting man who buys and sells mineral specimens.
Kathi me me crying saying she has run out of “cope.” Picke the kids up at home where they had gone after their gym lessons. At 3159B Congress Bob greeted lethargically – as if it didn’t matter one way or another whether I came. Their home looks for nice & Davey has loaned me his bed & he’s sleeping on top bunk in Kristi’s room while I’m here. Kids did eat with us.