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Trella Hemmerly – 1975-01-17

Friday, January 17, 1975
Kathi’s last day at work was yesterday.
At shop at 8:35 & 5 employees waiting – Keith didn’t show up & Martha late. Took copy to Star for Round About Marion – where people can sign petitions.
Stopped at courthouse & took petitions & picked up memberships from John Cottrell. John Isler cam in & ignored me.
Judy greeted me with news that the $50 change that we carry was missing. She put it in safe at 3:30 but safe wasn’t locked until 6 yesterday. Hope that’s all Keith got.
Same Feder – National Potteries – in. Letter from Kathi – full of complaints of Bob’s treatment of Davy. Type minutes of Historical Society meeting. Called Kathi & Bob to tell them when I arrive.