Saturday November 2nd 1935
Up at 8:30. Walt and I went to Kissell’s at 9:15. Drilled and put a rubber packing in. Hurt. Wally took me to Wiants- chose “Cleopatra” by Claude Ferval. Made sewing machine payment. Only owe $20. Wally bought me a pillow. Looked for Pine Cachet but didn’t find any. After dinner we went up town to get Mary B. Johnson. Listene to State Notre Dame game. 13 to 18 – Notre Dame. Bernard Brooks and Rosina came too. Wally helped Glenn change car bodies. Bob’s folks came with news of a job in Detroit so they left for Shelby. Mother had 9 for supper very good. Afterwards Rosy, Bernard, Walt and I went up town and then to see Joe E. Brown in “Bright Lights.” I had a banana split at Isaly’s.