Wednesday, June 17, 2009
sunny .01” rain
Slept until 10:30.
Call from Marion County Treasures office. My payment for real estate taxes was short $25- overlooked one of the lots across road. Wrote check to cover.
Wrote up minutes of last night’s meeting. Called Jan for clarification on some items. Suggested to her and to Gale that the marriage occur in June and that would solve problem of signing two contracts after giving her a raise instead of paying $3,800 health insurance, result of last night’s wakefulness. Gale agreed.
Raccoon on deck about 7:30. Watched water critter by pond- otter? Beaver!
Deer have eaten buds of Michigan and Oriental lilies and cleome. First year that I’ve had deer damage.
At 9:00 p.m. I took digital camera out and photographed the pot of dragon’s blood begonia where a volunteer tomato plant is competing. Also other landscape pictures. Background showed up black for interesting composition.
Category: Trella Diaries
Daily journal of Trella Hemmerly Haldeman Romine from 1933 to her death on February 19, 2013.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-06-16
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Hauled more mulch to around butterfly bushes. Mowed upper lawn and some around pond & across road. Weeded and watered.
Acting secretary for MCHS board meeting since Nancy Gracely is on vacation. Only 10 members present out of 20. Gale announced she is getting married. Discussion of renewal of her contract but no action. Routine announcements. Ham and bean dinner will be at Kingston residence in October. Couldn’t sleep so up from 4:00 to 6:00 researching Gale’s health insurance payments.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-06-15
Monday, June 15, 2009
Dow Jones 8216 down 112
Gale insisted on coming to supper even though she had a Celebrate Summer meeting in Marion at 6:00.
The reason: Dan has asked her to marry him. and she said yes- sometime in July.
I worked all a.m. Shoveled a wheelbarrow load of mulch and put it around the four butterfly bushes at top of hill to pond. Raked up the windrows left from mowing. Weeded petunias bed by pergola.
Gale plugged in the golf cart and lowered the deck on the mower. Got my house phone connected again. Gave her info on Marion Community Foundation Grant application and workshop. Asked for input on article on the arts and culture exhibit. Gave her herb basil plants and seedling Red Bud and tulip tree.
Supper fried catfish fillets dipped in egg and bread crumbs. mashed potatoes, Bean salad, cantaloupe and tea.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-06-14
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Sorted greeting cards that are crowding desk cubby holes. Intended to use Roundup on gravel walk to gazebo. Couldn’t get the sprayer open. Ended up cleaning out the northwest corner of garage. winding up extension cords wore me out.
Watered greenhouse and patio plants.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-06-13
Saturday, June 13, 2009
75° partly sunny
Picked up my red Prius at McDaniels for the Ziebart treatment, in addition to undercoating, included detailing the inside and car wash. Looks like brand new!
At Heritage Hall I took in the art and culture exhibit. Ed Hutchman was at the sections devoted to Artistry of Irma, Ed and Carrie Hutchman. His talking to a fellow woodcarver gave me Insight on Erma’s artistry and his wood carving.
I wrote a review of the exhibit and emailed it to myself at home. need Gale’s input on statistics.
In my mailbox in office of Heritage Hall was a letter from Art Beerry- Marion’s most famous artist. “If I were to paint a portrait of a lady, I would choose you for the model ” I was so surprised! I only talked to him a short time on opening night and asked if I could take his photo. I printed a copy with a note- will mail it to him.
Jim Carpenter at Heritage Hall. He will drive me to Columbus in my car for the Ohio Historical Society annual meeting and Tiffin Award. He has other stops he wants to make. His sister won’t loan him $2,000 to buy a new pickup. I called Farson’s to see if Royce will pick him up Thursday to work here while she is here.
Shopped at Meijer and stopped by Terradise Nature Preserve. Picked up invasives scattered all over parking lot.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-06-12
Friday, June 12, 2009
Dow Jones 8799-75° sunny
Exchange of emails commenting on the new deck for Dave and Sarah Sapps. Josh: ‘change the color’. Jed’s kidding. David’s ‘color okay’. My ‘need railings.’
Mowed upper lawn- weeded bed along lower drive.
Carpenter leftovers for supper on deck.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-06-11
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Softly raining 72°, 1/2-in shower pm.
Robin woke me at 7:30- couldn’t find her car keys. I showed her where she left them on the piano bench. She was helpful in getting breakfast ready. Left about 9:00. Self-centered, opinionated, enthusiastic, scatterbrained, loving, 63 years old, particular. likable. Pictures of her home with Doug, retired Navy officer in Washington State. Shows affluence. She drove 5 hours yesterday to spend time in Marion and here overnight and then driving 5 hours today back to Dunkirk, New York where Hanover friends met for a reunion. Will fly back to Washington State Saturday.
Calls from Rich Bradley trying to set up time to come here.
To Marion for shampoo and blow dry $15 then to McDaniel Toyota. Left my red 2009 Prius for undercoating and have a blue one as loaner. Home about 3:00. Had lunch.
Rich appeared at door about 4:30. So glad to see him. Birding conversation- discussion on changing seasons-. this year late.
Purpose of visit was to give me a framed photo of him and me in Terradise Nature Preserve last year. signed ‘Thank you Trella for all you have taught me’!
To Heritage Hall for program meeting. Phil Reid on Marion City Fire Department history. About 20 attended. Home by 8:45.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-06-10
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Called Robert Gobholtzer, Natural History head of Ohio Historical Society, about visiting lepidoptera collection of Ray Romine. Said it was housed on Hudson Street facility and not as a collection (although letter from director Laidlaw said it was). Bad phone connection so I wrote Gobholtzer a letter- ‘forget my visit’. Couldn’t reach John Peacock to see if he wanted to go with me and Gobholtzer not available [as] of June 26th when I’ll be at a Historical Society for Tiffin award.
Met Robin Cook at Marion Cemetery at 3:00 and visited Rieger graves. Watered geraniums and petunias at foot of Hemmerly marker. With her to visit Verne Babcock on Merkel Avenue- old neighbors of Carl and Esther Rieger. To Bob Evans for supper and then to Terradise. Used city directories for information on former friends of Robin.
Showed her some of the books I’ve been involved in publishing. Sat on deck a while but she wasn’t interested in touring Terradise.
Had Klondikes. Her father Roy Stewart employed in Hanover as salesman for ice cream plant that manufactured them. Only recently Robin knew of his US State Department activities on Nazi searches. visits to Cuba & South America.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-06-09
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Dow Jones 8763
Jim Carpenter worked from 9:30 to 1:45-55 weeded and mulched bed by gazebo. we did first and second terrace digging out Bishop’s weed, cutting one and a half inch diameter Elm, pruning hawthorn and Bradford Pear. Filled blue tub four times. Used weed eater at former raised bed across road leaving the asparagus and rhubarb.
Had lunch of leftovers from last night. Answering machine message from Robin Cook and also talked to her by phone. She is in New York state along Lake Erie. Will rent a car and 4-Hour drive to Marion Cemetery and then to Terradise for the night. leave Thursday a.m.
Answering machine call from Rich Bradley and then he called about 4:00 wanted to visit Terradise but told him I had executive committee at 5:00. Jan, Bida, Nancy and I attended. I insisted Gale have salary raise of $300 a year that I would pay to $30,500.
Public Broadcasting fundraising. ‘Depressive mentality’- a meme is an idea in your mind beliefs got from family members that duplicate themselves that we believe as truth- in fact only ideas that replicate like viruses.
Email from Jim- his brakes failed on way home from Terradise. Repair more than pickup is worth, so can’t come to Terradise to work.
Trella Hemmerly – 2009-06-08
Monday, June 8, 2009
80° small shower am
Loafed. Checked the email Dave Decker sent- report of Chilean cave exploration that he didn’t go on. amazing exploration by mostly PHS geologists Explorers Club members.
Did Jim Carpenter’s mother’s home at 5:00 for the prominent promised lasagna dinner. I think Jim did some of the cooking. Lasagna from scratch Prego sauce with added hamburger, ricotta cheese and grated cheese. Pear Jello salad, coleslaw and corn. His mother has macular degeneration and can’t see well enough to read. She is 96. came to Marion from Charleston, West Virginia area in 1937 when she married Mike Carpenter who worked in a CCC camp in West Virginia.
Shopped at Meijer for milk, grapes and bananas $10.