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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-07-16

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Danny and Nick at work before 8:00 and didn’t quit until almost 6:00 but they finished the steps leading to the woods and pond. Tracy came out and conferred with them on the problems of tying into existing ramp.
Royce brought Jim Carpenter. He installed the new water hose house and taught me to use it. Amazing to see the hose feeding into the reel in the box with no help from me except setting the Knob!
Jim cleaned the bricks by the side steps and watered pots. installed a bracket on gazebo and put a hanging basket on it. Moved the huge Peace Lily from the TV room to the gazebo. He laid out the soaker hose but didn’t connect it to faucet hose as I had to reposition it.
Mde salmon cakes for supper. Cleaned out the plastic bag drawer. looking for Rolling Pin not there to crush crackers for it.
Warm, loving note from Lisa [Haldeman] Snyder. Thanks for contribution to the Bucyrus Library for Marcella.
Emails from Marian Fraser Loof again. Susannah here about 7:30. Told me gasoline is down to $2.39 a gallon. Finals next week. Sent email to Jackye Shuck Powell asking about plans to visit Terradise.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-07-15

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
82° sunny sent Kathi card and $50 check
Wrote up minutes for executive meeting yesterday and emailed to Gale and Jan Augenstein. Mike and Danny still working on steps to woods and river. Had to remove lots of earth and stone compaction
Sent Scott Spears info on Maryln Meseke from class of ‘33 reunion books
Made a salad of green greens, broccoli, celery, yellow pepper for supper and cooked the beets Don Keil brought.
Found a patch of red scaly skin on my upper left arm. Checked out wood ticks and deer ticks on Google. Not Deer Tick since no bullseye in the area.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-07-14

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
8:30 Danny and Lehner on the job- two dump trucks in driveway. They removed rotted Timbers from steps toward pond and woods and engineered the new timbered steps. Still working when I left at 3:30.
I watered and weeded from 10:00 until 12:00. Nap till 1:00 computer messages from Marion Fraser Loof and Kathi. Sent one to Karen Kelly about Dick Cooper clearing Terradise Nature Preserve parking lot of stumps.
To Dr. Winger at 4:00. Fixed and cleaned hearing aid. Shopped CVS for a cane with strap $20. First one I ever bought. Other gifts or Mary’s–. Cards for Kathi and Karen and hearing aid batteries $50.
To Executive meeting at 4:45. Randy Winland had new computers and monitor. No Nancy so I took secretary notes.
Shopped at Aldi’s- $44. Too tired to carry in the house so Susannah did it when she came about 7:30. Leftovers for supper.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-07-13

Monday, July 13, 2009
Marilyn Schnipple came over at 10:30 with a flat of yellow gazanias. She planted a row along the new flower bed along the lower driveway- left at 11:45.
Call from Gary Iams asking about my endowment fund given to OSU Marion. I invited him to Terradise for talk. Told him it was $5,000 given for support of the Marion Campus Prairie planted by Larry Yoder’s botany classes. Showed him some of my files and told him I showed Larry his first visit to Claridon Prairie. Told him I will write my recollections and send them to him. He drove me to Terradise Nature Preserve to see clean up of Hackberry logs that Dick Cooper told me he had finished Saturday.
Don Keil stopped with beets from his garden. Fixed supper for Gale and had a catch up gab. Told her about Ron Boyland’s presentation on Battle of Perrysburg October 1862 and the 121st OVI involvement. She agreed a program by him would be okay.
I identified Button Bush that I saw yesterday at Green Camp prairie.
Susannah called and said she would be late as she was going to birthday party for Vaughn Wiester.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-07-12

Sunday, July 12, 2009
80° Sunny
Packed basket with bean salad and service along with 1982 Hildreth genealogy and the Hildreth genealogy I found recently in the filing cabinet drawer containing the books from Allen Sheneman that Mike Roesner [son-in-law of Allen’s] sent me culled from the eight boxes of his material.
Drove via Broadway and US 33 to Bellefontaine to Mary Rutan Park. All of Mack Hildreth’s brothers were there with wives. Bill from Texas- San Antonio- also Ron Boyland with Benoni Hildreth’s Civil War musket. Good presentation on the 121st at Battle of Gettysburg. He’s willing to do program at Marion in October. Gail willing!
Home via State Route 739 so I could stop at gate of Trella Romine Prairie at State Route 203 & 739. Great Headed Coneflower and Button Bush only thing I could see in bloom.
Emailed Kathi and David about reunion. Watched a Miss Marple mystery on TV- inane- waste of time.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-07-11

Saturday, July 11, 2009
.2 in rain a.m.
To Resource Center at 1:00 after watching an Adrian Bloom episode on British Estate Gardens on the Victory Garden program.
Judy Peterson at resource center with me. Jim helped me inventory the books sold and gift shops. John Shauk (?) requested access to 1924 Marion Star bound copies so Jim found it for him in the new archives under loading dock. When they returned I found he was looking for a picture of Carl Sawyer so I showed him the drawer of Sawyer material and the box that we purchased from Craig Shermer. the original of the Carl Sawyer was soon found and Jim copied for him.
Drove Jim to CVS Pharmacy for his prescription and deleted about 200 photos with some with one command from my Olympia digital 5 camera while I waited. then took him to Harding Memorial for work in progress of restoration of the marble. Dropped him off at his mother’s home. Baked pizza for supper.
Watched several episodes on PBS of Are You Being Served, a tribute to Molly Pidjen who played Mrs. Slocum 1922 to 2009.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-07-09

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Sunny 85
Wrote a narrative of the guest bedroom that led to exploring closet contents- three check boxes of coins – Some commemoratives and a box containing a copy of translations of Hemmerly family papers, box of letters to mother while at Community Healthcare.
Made a bean salad & Spanish rice with pre-made meatballs for Suzy’s supper.
Susannah here about 7:30.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-07-08

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
80° sunny
Wheat being harvested
At 9:30 picked up Jim Carpenter. Stopped at Hemmerly’s to pick up Diane’s corrected copy of the shop’s 75 years. She wants no mention of Kass Matimore.
Jim weeded area by garage door. Transferred the grass clipping from the dethatching to the other compost bin. Pulled dead Crabgrass from gravel walk to pergola. Trimmed some of the trees by gazebo.
To Marion about 1:30. At Meijer’s I bought a hose reel that operates on hose water pressure to rewind. Cashed my check for $200 at Ohio State Bank and paid Jim $40 plus his $9 in groceries & a bypass cutter. To Sims to unload recyclables and then to Harding Memorial for him to photograph Harding Memorial repairs. To cemetery to water flowers in Mary and George Seifert’s graves. Car Wash $10.50 took Jim home and I was home by 3:00.
No word from Tracy on workers- no one worked today.

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Trella Hemmerly – 2009-07-07

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Sarah Sapp’s 34th birthday
Decided to inventory and photograph each room in my home. Set up an Excel file for inventory and took photos also cataloged some contents of drawers. Put the Ethan Allen furniture catalog and one of the drawers since the photos and nomenclature of Mary’s Furniture is in it. it isn’t collectible now but may be for future generations.
Email from tracy@johnson properties. Mike has broken leg and will see surgeons today. Another man’s sick. will update me Wednesday.
Mowed east lawn to gazebo and watered along patio and green
Suzy going to Urbana for Sarah’s celebration so won’t be here tonight.
Found an interesting file on Dave Decker in Mary’s file cabinet he had written about his life and career – Championed vocational education- his philosophy & depth of character evident.