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Trella Hemmerly – 1935-10-19

Saturday October 19th 1935
Up about 9:00. Pounded on the garage. After dinner Wally, Mary and I walked uptown to see “Freckles”. Commercial Motor Freight building a new terminal on Oak Street. Home about 6:00. Wally has his suit all paid for now. We two drove out in the country to do some twilight sketching in charcoal. Mary and Bob were in for the evening. Mary doesn’t feel very good. After they left I got sick headache so Wally took care of me.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1935-10-18

Friday October 18th 1935
Home on 5:30 bus. Daddy had been working on the garage so the family had a late supper with me. The garage is taking pretty definite form. I guess Wally worked pretty hard on it today. Read paper- listened to radio. Went to bed about 11 p.m.
Wally woke me at 3:30 with a glass of water. A Clark Bar and 12 pennies. So sweet.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1935-10-16

Wednesday October 16th 1935
I didn’t think Wally would mind so much because I forgot to kiss him goodbye Monday morning but from his letter he was terribly hurt. I’m glad I had sent him a nice letter.
Sewed- mended- bath etc. [illegible] my new nail polish. I guess I’m too conservative anymore. I used to think rose was pretty.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1935-10-13

Sunday October 13th 1935
Sunday School- my cold is so bad I shouldn’t have gone but. It almost got me after dinner but Louis Woollum and Bernard Brooks came and took us out to Rosina’s.*
Cracked nuts in the meadow. Ate pears. Had some cider. In town about 6:00. Louis at our house for supper. Played bridge. Louis staying with Wally all night.
Had a bath and so to bed about 11:30

*Rosina Starner lived in Morral, Ohio.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1935-10-12

Saturday October 12th 1935
Such a beautiful day. Bernard Brooks down for a while.
Mary, Walt and I went to the dedication of the new stadium. Mansfield beat Harding 24-0.
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Walt took me to the show. Did a little shopping and then saw “Annapolis Farewell.”
Home for cocoa and rolls and then some lovin’. But I- we- always go to sleep. Sweet Wally.

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Trella Hemmerly – 1935-10-10

Thursday October 10th 1935
Such a day. First Slim tipped me backward in my chair and sprawled me on the floor. Then I got sick and started for the restroom and nearly passed out until a couple of the shipping room boys caught me and took me up on the elevator. Went back to work at 2:00 & managed to stick.
Got a much nicer letter from Wally in answer to the one I wrote Monday.