Have to work tomorrow and so I didn’t go home tonight.
Wally is coming down in about 1/2 hour. Helen Hecht came down this morning for some milk for a kitten. When I took it up she gave me some pills for menstrual – “Seeqit” But I didn’t need and today quit (sic) surprising.
Express bills sure are a mess. Figured value charges wrong & what a time to correct them. Wally down. Woe is me. He isn’t good for me.
Author: David Haldeman
Trella Hemmerly – 1935-01-03
Payday finally. Finished paying for my coat so now my credit is good. Got someone slippers from downstairs. Very plain dark blue – 89¢
Laura Davis is quitting Godmans. Not enough money. Guess I’ll ask her boss to see Rosina .
Wally called about 8:30. I can’t resist that guy. Why?
Trella Hemmerly – 1935-01-02

Above; Godman shoe factory at 347 W. Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio in 1901. Image courtesy of Columbus Metropolitan Library. Area now a parking lot.
Earl [Godman truck driver] says Ray smokes and Ray says he didn’t. Quit (sic) a mess. $10 bet you know so I don’t know how it will come out
Wrote four claim tracer letters and when ready to mail them – got acknowledgement. All that work for nothing.Walt will be down in about an hour. I can’t resist I guess.
Walt had written a letter to BB* with all of the facts I added mine and reconciliation. Played cards until 11:00
* BB = Bernard Brooks
Trella Hemmerly – 1980-09-21
Sunday September 21st
Hot- 16 Turtles on pipe into pond.
Wanted to go on Tour of Homes and Gardens in Morrow County. Willard Durfey’s included. But no one to go with. Wrote newsletter for MCHS.
Watched John Anderson and Ronald Reagan debate- President Carter wouldn’t show- said Anderson was not really a candidate.
Trella Hemmerly – 1935-01-01

This diary kept by Trella Hemmerly (on left in picture with sister Mary)
while working as a stenographer to WZ Davis, traffic manager HC Godman Shoe Company in Columbus, Ohio at $13.00 a week

Living at 2216 Indiana avenue Columbus Ohio with Dan Davis Mrs. Davis and Laura.
Going with Walter Haldeman who is attending Bliss Business College – higher accounting – Working at High Street cafeteria – Wilson’s Florist and went to Marion working at Susquehanna Silk Mill.
New Year’s Day Entry
12:00 found Wally & I at the Palace “Little Minister” out at 2:00 streetcar home at 4:00 fill in the gap Walter didn’t prove quite capable enough getting car had to walk back from where we got off I cried and gave his ring back .
Went to Aunt May’s for sauerkraut dinner. Came to room about 8:00. Had a bath it.. Walter called. Seemed quit (sic) shaken yet. We’ll try to straighten it out tomorrow evening.