Sunday July 6th
To shop to pick up live plants for Harding home and took kids with me. Jeanette DeWolfe- Widow of Mrs Harding’s grandson- came over to see the house before the crowds. This part of the Harding family was as ignored in the recreation of the front porch campaign as they were during the original.
I was assigned to the reception hall and gave the history of the building (1890) and marriage (1891) and receiving of election returns in the hall (1920) I met the Hardings of Worthington- descendants of Warren’s brother George- and Charles Harmon was more than dordial- he brought Louise Kling- Mrs. Harding’s neice and I talked with her. She had been a shop customer until her money ran out.
Program was good John Hix made an excellent Daughtery & Judge Myers Master of Ceremonies. Man from Delaware as Harding was terrible but Mrs. Granger as Mrs. Harding made Louise Kling gasp.