Saturday July 3rd temperature 94 degrees sunny
Dave Haberman and boys out at 9:30 to set up chairs.
Gave Darin and Jen the china doll and cradle of Mattie Clore his great-grandmother that Ray had.
The big day finally arrives. Don’t know how it would have gone if Kathi hadn’t helped greet people, parked cars, take videos etc. She was great and Helen came! Kept her in air condition living room while 150 guests assembled on river bottom. Matt Harberman forgot ring and ceremony delayed 15 minutes while everyone sweltered. Reverend Isaac stood on Uncle Roy Hemmerly’s whetstone to perform the ceremony. Very informal. Darin and Jen greeted all guests in aisle as they left their seats. Punch table at bottom of steps by greenhouse. They persuaded us to go to Brown’s Party House for reception. Bob at Mary’s- for NASCAR races rental.
7 p.m. and then out here at 8 on my TV. Grandiose buffet I forgot to take digital pics I had taken time to print out. Talked and ate with Bender from Escanaba Michigan. Judy Hoffman’s family.