Monday May 31st Memorial Day
David’s family are painting his house Dave has left Kathi’s for a week of caving in Nevada and Utah and Johanna flew back to San Diego.
I was so glad when Don Keil called saying he would be right over to put mower deck back on tractor since I had left car door open and battery was down. He brought son Gary visiting from Virginia Beach and they got both fixed. Swept out garage- ran sweeper- made bean salad. Cleaned up greenhouse benches. Bath and washed hair. Martha Kostenbader brought Lisa Roecker and granddaughter Kathleen and June Lyon came over from Mount Gilead. Short trip around house. Talk in gazebo, Mary came out. Kathy and Martha translated for Liesel. June stayed for me to print out pics for her at 5 p.m. to Marcella Haldeman’s for dinner with Martha, Lisle[sic] and Katl (Wolfgang’s daughter.) Home about 8:15. Watched Antiques Roadshow.