Saturday February 13th
When I got home at 6 p.m. call on answering machine from George Brown to call him- did – He had call from Dick Carey asking him to serve on Long Range Planning for building expansion and asked Carey him to ask me to serve. I agreed- but told him my stand on elevator project- “It should not be put on hold.” and he agreed!- So I asked him to call Jack Telfer and tell him of our objections on it being put on hold- He will!– So?
To HH at 1 p.m. after taking news release on Brad Lepper and 1907 history to Star- Ferguson girl to resource center to do research on Harding Hotel- no luck finding story on Dillinger (gangster) in 1930’s Star- Told her of Hotel involvement of oil boom in Morrow County. Copied from directories information on who were tenants. Marvin LaRue contributed story of couple in late ‘20s who picked up man whose car was disabled on Kenton Pike coming to Marion hunting Joe Sansotta (Marion’s bootlegger & connection to Chicago’s underworld) When Eula Rhoads heard story she told me of “drive-up window” at back of saloon to serve “customers”- Her dad got a call from Joe complaining of dogs barking and scaring away her customers. This revealed her dad was Marion County’s first dog warden and I started gathering material.
Supper with Mary at Bob Evans- my usual catfish meal