Watched part of the Rose Bowl parade on TV but sun obscured the screen so was difficult to see – so spent most of the morning at the kitchen window watching birds at feeder. One Robin still around- it was left after the others flew on. Two crows showed up at across the road and at feeder and titmice, white breasted nuthatches, Carolina Chickadees, house finches and sparrows, song sparrow, juncoes, red bellied and downy woodpeckers.
Invited Mary out for roast pork and sauerkraut boil potatoes and bean salad.
Read Phyllis Whitley’s “Lost Island” one of Mary Prior’s paperbacksWent to bed while Ohio State scored 24 and Texas Aggies seven.
Mary called to tell me to turn quick to channel 10 – just caught last 15 seconds of news story from the Carl Vinson – called Kathy as she gets it later she was able to videotape it. .