Tuesday, September 24, 1991
45-63 cloudy PM
Gorgeous Harvest Moon last night. Lower driveway & stone wall looked like broad daylight.
Worked all day on my talk for Bob Stout’s
‘Symposium Club’ – ‘How Many Names are Enough’ – ‘Serendipity in Research’ – Request to talk result of my wanting my full name in my will. The talk explained why. Worked in the storiesof the Hildreth artifacts I bought yesterday from Harold Hildreth.
Only 10 men there & Bob kept apologizing.
Guy Denny called to see what was happening with OSUM on Terradise. Told him of Peg Hendricks call saying University didn’t want to accept it with the revisionary clause. Guy thinks they be bluffing – but at any rate advised me to contact state rep & senator as he felt the state had an interest in seeing that the property is saved. Talked it over with Bob during dinner.
Home about 10 – Charlton called about abstract he had prepared for a Union Co. Goff in the 1930’s – my mention of Goff & his attendance as a guest in serendipity for Del Goff. Turns out the abstract is for his grandparents.