Thursday, April 4, 1991
Waited all morning (at computer) for Delmar Brewer to show up. Finally came at 11:00 & in 2 ½ hrs he drove steel fence posts behind rail fence posts to straighten them, rototilled the area along S. side of lower driveway (after I removed tulips, black-eyed susans) top get it ready fo plant as a prairie. Also rototilled an area across road for a vegetable garden. Cleaned the edges of upper driveway & helped fill in ruts that Roy Foertsch missed. So I felt $22 was a bargain – He is really a worker.
In at 2:00 to meet Quest Club members at Heritage Hall for tour of Wyandot Popcorn Museum. Geo. Brown told history of collection & of each machine. Really more than even I could digest. Dick West back a little subdued from Gall Bladder removal & peritonitis.
Met Maary at 4 & we went to Peppers for dinner. Her 72nd birthday.
Had chimichangas & fried ice cream. Had chimichangas a year ago in Texas for her birthday.
To bed at 7 – & right to sleep.