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Trella Hemmerly – 1991-04-03

Wednesday, April 3, 1991
30/62 windy
Royce here to clean – Welfare!!
Pat Cummins called concerned with Reg 4’s new Reg Rep – Weustner of Canton wants the job but everyone agrees he’s a bully.
Wrote to Dave & Dee. Kristi & Kathi & David. Sent copies of my proposed will to last 2.
At 2 Tabor Allison brought about 15 of his Botany Class for field trip across river. Tree identification from buds – & then hike thru flood plain & then point survey. Identifying & measuring trees in a 150’ circle – but everything is metric – Found a cache of owl pellets under large honey locust & among these a bird leg bone with a blue bird band around it! ASlso spotted Harbinger of Spring – Spring beauties blooming & sessile trilliums plentiful on flood plain – also garter snakes.
Watched Kathi’s tape of Kristi’s receiving Levitow Award of Airman of the Month at Castle AFB in Nov. Their visit with Dave & Dee & caving & trip to (Feb) lake to see Eagles – So proud of Kristi’s achievements.