Thursday, October 25, 1990
38-43 windy chil factor 30
Brick files 6 hrs
Called David about 8:00 to have him add “0” to 999 by modem. Says Josh calls from France every night – homesick I guess. Worked on files until noon. Mary out to help unload TV – put it in Rec Room. Then she hooked up other TV through the VCR so I can tune it through VCR.
Ruth Mosher out about 1:00 for a “Users Group” meeting – She has WS4 so I gave her my WS5.5 disks to use Maillist since she doesn’t have a data base program. She commented that she knows of no other “Mother-Son” relationship like David & I have – working so closely – learning from him. She’s worried about Chuck’s inability to concentrate. Took a walk around the house.
Finished taking geraniums etc into greenhouse. Covered fish tub geraniums with pool liner.
Kathi called saying earthquake in Reno was noticeable but no damage. James “Buster” Douglas no longer heavy-weight champion. 3rd round knockout Evander Holy – stupid.