Wednesday, October 24, 1990
36-60 cloudy
Perused new book on Ohio History 1765-1813 – Tecumseh era – factual acct by Bill Gibson.
Worked on brick data base. In to HH at 1:00 for my “volunteer duty” for Wyandot Museum. Fred White in to see the Ray Romine cartoon that he donated. I couldn’t find it & called John Hickson & he had never seen it (Later Dick West found it on John’s desk). Eula protesting Jack’s continued expenditures. Ruth Mosher concerned about Camp Perry people who want to publish history of camp but all they’ve done is collect material.
Mary picked my TV for me (repair shop closes at noon) & brought it to HH to lead into my car. To dinner with her at Perkins. Home at 5 & took walk in woods under golden maples, sycamores & beech.