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Trella Hemmerly – 1990-08-30

Thursday, August 30, 1990
MCHS 10-9 11 hrs
Prince Imperial’s 100 yr old box with 18” wide boards was dismantled & is to be used for a fence. No board action authorized the destruction.
More frustration with new computer – Rejects commands. Can’t print labels. Called David & I hooked modem up wrong so he couldn’t help. Made date to call 8:30 tonight.
Mark & Bill laid stone walls (Ottawa Dry Cut Limestone) & planted 2 Serviceberry trees dense yew & dwarf lilac at both sides of driveway entrance.
Took membership renewal & card form to Laippley for printing. Then to HH to lead tour for Green Camp group & others. Then ran labels for renewal & for Potluck. Also ran invitations to Potluck & got material ready for Helen to copy for distribution to board. Mary brought chicken dinner to HH. At 6:00 Richard West came back & sorted bricks – He laid them out in order while I told him which ones were to be placed where. Exhausted by 8:45. Picked up prints at Cliff Mitchell’s – He gave MCHS enlargements of glass negatives found in Linscott house 15 years ago.
Home exhausted. Called David & told him too tired to use modem & I would just work at HH using dBaseIII.