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Trella Hemmerly – 1990-06-12

Tuesday, June 12, 1990
MCHS 5 hrs to Cols + membership update.
To Cols to meet Melinda Davies at Ohio Hist Soc.
Tami (?) in photo collection completely ignored me – even talked to Melinda when she answered my questions. Photos are catalogued much like books. But mostly by “knowing” where they are when we got down to it. Gave us name of computer program that we can get $25 demo.
To Local History Office to introduce Melinda to Richard Francoviglia & return book.
Mary didn’t go with me because tree men were coming to remove top of tree. Came right home & slept.
Mowed from 5 to 7:30.
Marilee Augenstein called Mary H. & said Dr. was very positive after Mary J’s surgery.