Tuesday, June 5, 1990
37-69 Sunny
Howard is 88 today – Kathi called to wish him “happy birthday”. She & Bob are expecting Susen to visit next week – last week in June they will fly to NY to visit her & go to Bob’s Class Reunion at Highland Falls.
Gave Howard 10 crossword puzzle books & 2 – 2 liter bottles of Sprite. He thinks is full of vitamins!
Gardened all morning. Cleaned up greenhouse some & worked on new bed at lower entrance.
Wrote letter to Guy Denny of Division of Natural Areas asking him to visit Terradise to evaluate it for a Nature Center for OSUM.*
At 4- Matt McCoy of McCoys Landscaping Service here. Did a walk around & he listed 6 projects I may want done. Will give designs & estimate in about a month. Was very interested in King Book & bought one.
[*this visit sparked the designation of Terradise as an Ohio Natural Landmark in December, 1990]