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Trella Hemmerly – 1990-06-04

Monday, June 4, 1990
low 55
Caught up on paying bills – income tax estimates – note to Kathy with return of her pictures.
Entered EHMA dues payments & ran records of past due members.
IOn at 3:00 to mee with Melinda Davies, Jack Telfer & John Hickson – They discovered that 5 files of photos were missing from locked files-!!

John & Jack so busy impressing Melinda that talked for an hour before asking for her input. She had 3 pgs of categories (not too great but good for student). Suggested contacting OHS for their system for their photo collection. Supper with Mary at Turroff’s.
Endowment for Terradise*
18 Acres & House-
Boston Co. Cap. Apprec Fund – $25,000
Howard’s Inheritances – $75,000
Total $100,000 to be matched by OSUM

Possible distribution of estate by will
Midland Mutual Single Prem Policy to 6 grandchildren
Present value $65,000 – 10,000+ each

Bordeaux & mortgage & Interest on Normandy to K&D
Present value $125,000 – $62,000 each
Hemmerly stock $75,000 – $35,000 each
Household, car, etc $20,000 – $10,000 each
Mary – Steinroe Funds – $15,000

US Savings Bonds
MCHS – $10,000 – Heritage Preservation Endowment Fund
Trinity – $5,000 – Youth Fund

[*musings – not carried out]