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Trella Hemmerly – 1989-11-27

Monday, November 27, 1989
Volunteer hours 9 to 5:00 Heritage Hall M book bricks. High 53° cloudy windy
In to Heritage Hall at 9:00 Eileen Butterman reporting for duty. all fired up about being asked to volunteer and she’s great. Pitched in with enthusiasm and learns quickly.
Lots of people in to buy bricks and many phone calls. George Brown in and ok’d membership cards I had sorted for him & other aspects of campaign I planned. Wrote instructions for solicitors.
At 1:00 to Charlton Myers in Morrall to plan Marion City history. Tom Wagner there with report on Dave Brown’s house on Summit street. it’s jammed with boxes piles, etc.
Hard to keep Charlton on track but did get an outline. He loaned me George King’s book & on- on ‘Researching and Writing Local History.’
Took about 30 orders to Glen Gary for bricks to be ready for Christmas gifts. Tickly throat hope I’m not getting a cold.