Monday, August 21, 1989
Mr Asher out to give me estimate on new roof. This one is about 20 years old. TV room leaking and around chimney. Would be $3,400 for 20-year regular shingles and $4,000 for 25 year guarantee textured.
Set out rooted impatiens directly into garden. Finished pulling Sweet Woodruff from Savin Juniper bed by side entrance.
Worked on transferring info to new computer. Got records ready for Huber board meeting
Picked up flowers and and got to Shields funeral home about 5:00 p.m. Floy looked 40 instead of 97. Had dinner at Maple Leaf Restaurant and back to Marion in time for Huber board meeting at Heritage Hall.
Mike Dietsch again blocked their giving anything for purchase of post office- after all MCHS (me mostly) did for them to get started. Got June and July financial report showing over $6,000 in a savings account!
Call from Charlie Evers. John Keegan mad because he was not re-elected a trustee of Heritage Preservation Endowment Fund.