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Trella Hemmerly – 1989-08-16

Wednesday, August 16, 1989
Finished Region Representatives Handbook, letters to Jeff Stokes, John Weaver and Mayor Brown and Richard Francoviglia. Re-wrote letter to Brown after call from Richard with suggestions. Also sent copy of my Day Before Yesterday on 100th anniversary celebration of Marion becoming a city.
Dashed in by 6:00 to mail letters at Marion Post office. Picked up drawer at Baldauf’s to check color in my kitchen- it’s perfect!
Stopped at produce stand on Barks Road for corn, beans and a tomato- 50 cents. Proprietor gave me extra corn, nectarines and beets!
Mary called me to be sure and see eclipse of the moon. When total it was reddish. quarter by 12:30 a.m.