Tuesday, May 2, 1989
Sunny am showers PM High 57
Royce here to help remove storm windows and wash windows. I washed curtains and we got most of them back up.
At 3:00 went into title office to transfer title on ‘85 Mercury Lynx to Dave. Had to walk to Marion Bank in rain to get $140 in cash to pay sales tax.Then took bathroom rug to laundromat to wash while I went to Odd Lots where Deputy Registrar is located to change license plates. learned that since Dave still owns the Honda plates couldn’t be transferred- had to buy new ones- $14. Then the post office on Barks Road to mail them. decided against Express next day as it would cost $12 and sent them Priority First Class for $2. Stopped at Hemmerly’s to cash check for ordinary expenses. Got chili and frosty at Wendy’s- dropped film off at Kmart. Got gas at Bonded $1.04 a gallon since the Alaska oil spill.
Charlton Myers called for advice on who to hire for genealogical research. I referred him to Maxine Marshall and Pat Winn. Also wants Iris for Greene Cemetery which he has maintained for 30 years. Also is getting his historical collections together and told me that he has told Ruth to call Trella when he dies and tell her to come get it all for MCHS.