Saturday, April 29, 1989
1 inch rain this week.
Region 2 Vermillion. Lucy, Betty Gorsuch, Eleanor Dieffenbach, Mary H, Trella.
Mary and her carload picked me up at 7:30. stopped in Bucyrus for Betty Gorsuch at Great Lakes Historical Museum at 9:25. 62 registered 85 last year felt $20 registration kept some away, but program was great interpreting your artifacts by professionals from George Washington University and Sturbridge Village. ate lunch at Shea Francois and talk to Giant Diane Chestnut about the way meeting was planned- she did much of it. reception at Ted Wakefield home a real treat on a point of Lake Erie and Vermilion river.
Home about 7:00. Tidied the garden some. Had call on answering machine from Ken Hemmerly asking for a reunion mailing list.