Sunday April 27th
Nice front page story in Star on Eber Baker.
Picked mother up about 12 and to Marion Cemetery for Ceremony. I introduced Gary and Jean Bigler and Son Mike. (Gary- Robert- Geraldine Sargent Bigler- Harry- James- Mehitable Baker Sargent- Eeber Baker) and Judge Charlton Myers who gave remarks. Gary Barnhart and I placed the wreath.

Richard Carey, Trella Romine
Barbara Boggs, Gary Barnhart (all of Marion County Historical Society)
Nice little 15-minute ceremony taped by WMRN. About 20 people there. Drove mother through Vernon Heights & Chateau Ridge to see the Forsythia blooming everywhere. Howard and I cleaning up in woods when Del Goff and family arrived in their motorhome. By family I mean 15 people. Everyone of his six kids and grandkids and 2 in-laws! Toured the grounds and they came in. Kids all well-behaved.
Mary called from Kathi’s. Got there about 8 and will stay until Tuesday a.m. and go to Richfield Utah then.