Wednesday February 13th
To WMRN for unveiling of Lady Justice Courthouse top statue. Rapidcam from Channel 10 TV there. Jay Howser, Judge Myers, Cliff Spohn and I talked. Introduced Mr. & Mrs. Neff who pledged $500 for restoration on Charlie Evers’ program if statue could be found. Back to the bedlam at shop. But everything going very well. Receipts $4,950 sales $5,200. Terry, Jerry, Dave Knapp and Mark delivering. News Life photographer in for photo with my honorary life membership in MCHS. And wieners, potato chips, celery, cookies and cake for supper at shop. Barry Baker in to help Terry get up deliveries after I routed and typed 6 ready for tomorrow. Home about 9 rest still had 75 orders to do. 235 deliveries $4,910 receipts