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Trella Hemmerly – 1976-01-25

Sunday, January 25, 1976
Esther & I to Flea Market. Bought an 1890 Silver Dollar for $6.50 Then to Oscar Sherer Park North of Osprey – flock of field sparrows (?) & little blue heron. Took Kentucky Fried Chicken home for lunch. Made recordings of Esther & Carl. Carl showed me his tool collection & packed my box to ship. We cut Croton all over the neighborhood & picked up tillisandi from the church lot across street. Left about 4:30 & drove through constant traffic to 1048 40th St. NW in St. Petersburg – David & Vivian [Adams} new residence. Delicious roast for dinner & we caught up on 2 years.
Bed about 11:30.