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Trella Hemmerly – 1976-01-17

Saturday, January 17, 1976
Up at 6:15 & threw clothes on to get on deck. Lights starboard – that probably the keys, but on Port side realized we were heading into Port Everglades. Moon in clouds over the condominiums cluster at the inlet was gorgeous. Sun coming up but clouds obscured. Farewell breakfast with Peters & Tuefels & finally met Wonder Garden people from Mansfield – just 2 tables away! Long line for custom check so took turns while the other picked up things from cabin. Finally off ship about 11:40. I went to airport on bus & picked up rental car. Back to dock & got Kathi & luggage & over to Marjorie’s. Drove to the Broward State Park just across inlet & then took Kathi to airport for 5:20 plane. Marjorie (Dickey Patterson] & I to seafood place for dinner. Talked until 12.
Cold in Ft. Lauderdale about 58 & 40 mph wind.